233 Kings Highway East, Haddonfield, NJ, 08033
New Tavern Furniture Gets First Coat
HADDONFIELD, N.J. (Feb. 28, 1999) -- Fourteen students from Haddonfield Middle and Memorial High Schools pitched in today to begin painting dozens of new pieces of colonial tavern furniture constructed as part of the Indian King Tavern refurbishment project. The painting project is the latest phase of a six-year program which is turning the previously barren interior of a 249-year-old building into an authentic recreation of what it looked like when it served as the town's central tavern in 1777.
Led by Mimi Yurkow and Joanne Miller, who co-teach a religious education class at Christ the King Church, 12 eighth-grade students volunteered to do the painting as part of the community service requirement for their confirmation in April. Two other high-school students volunteered to help supervise the project.
Eighth grader Rebecca Gardine, 14, of the Middle School and Ryan Miller, 16, a sophmore at Haddonfield High School, apply the first of four coats of paint to gateleg tables in one of the tavern's dining rooms (above, left). Mary Sanchez, 14, Clair Campbell, 13, and Mark Goodwin, 14, work on the long benches in a front dining room (above, right). |
In the second-floor Assembly Room, Paul Reiss, Tom Hutchinson and Peter Reiss paint the long benches that will soon seat a sizable crowd (above, left). Thirteen-year-old, eighth-grader Lauren Ciallella (above, right) explained that, like most of the other students, she had previously toured the tavern on a 5th-grade class trip. Plus, she noted, "I enjoy painting and I like helping out like this." |
(Left to right) Clair Campbell, Diane Mussoline, Mary Sanchez, Bridget Duffy and Betsy Miller of the Middle School with their religious teacher (seated), Mimi Yurkow. A committee of volunteer craftsmen has worked for several years making furniture for every room of the historic facility. Historic preservation specialist William Mason points out there is still plenty of painting to be done (above, right).
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